
How To Expand Template In New Blogger HTML Template Editor ?

New Bloggers try to make more beautiful and enrich with knowledge their Blog reading the tips and tutorials. But, it's seen that, almost of time when new Bloggers go to add a new widget in their HTML Templates editor then they fall in a important problem to Expand Template. In the beginning I also felt in this problem for many times. Because, almost of Blogger tips or tutorials are still within the old HTML Editor, so how to follow their instructions about Expand Templates ?

But the option is very important to add new features inside specific widgets in Blogger template. It is very useful subject also for enrichment of a Blog.

Add A Cool Live Cricket Widget In Your Blog

If you want to add this Live Cricket Widget on your Blogger Blog, you must need to log into Blogger Blog with your Google account and then just follow the instructions given below:

1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout 

2. Click on Add a Gadget link above right side of layout (like below screenshot of new version)

How To Protect Your Blog From Being Copied ?

Almost of time it's seem that many Blogger commit an improper act like copy and pasts from other's website that is very blamable and corruptible also. You have written a beautiful and useful article working heard, but it's seen that, it has been copied by another person and pasted to his Blog or site and publish as his own article. It is beyond description that then how much metal suffering are created into a writer mind. 

Now I will show you a technic to protect your Blog from being copied that you can apply to your Blog very easily. So, why late !!

Add A Stylish Email Subscription Box in your Blogger Blog

Email Subscription Box is a very important Gadget for any blogger that help to get more subscribers or readers to a Blog. There is no other better way to increase readers to a website accept an Email Subscription Box. It also need to be attractive and beautiful to look at. When a Blogger provides a useful post in his blog, then many times some readers need to get the latest updates from his blog. For that reason he need an Email Subscription Box in his blog, so that the interested visitors can easily get the latest update submitting their Email Address.

I am showing now some beautiful and cool Email Subscription Boxes for your Blogger Blog that you can easily add on you Blog without any programming knowledge. 

To add the Email Subscription Boxes  on your Blog please follow the instructions below serially:

Make A Cool Gadget Title With Text Effect On Blogger Blog


Welcome to All. Today I will show you, how to make cool Gadget Tile Bar with text effect on your Blogger Blog.You can easily add the Gadgets on your Blog apart from any programming knowledge.
At first, you must need to log into Blogger Blog with your Google account and just  follow the instructions below: 1. Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Layout 

How To Add Stylish Facebook Like Button On Blogger Blog ?


At Present, Facebook Like Button has turned as very important widget for any Blogger Blog or website. It is also very useful to increase the count of visitors on Facebook. Although Facebook offers a simple Like Button plugin that you can easily integrate into your website, but the default Like Buttons is not having good look at moreover ugly all. Today I shall introduce you some cool stylish as well as 3D format Facebook Like Button to get more like on your Facebook pages that you can easily add on side bar space both right or left on your website.

You don't need to do any think you only need to Copy and Paste the codes below which you like. I am sure that these stylish Facebook Like Button widget easily attracts your visitors or readers to increase the count of Likes.

So let’s get started add the Facebook Like Buttons on your Blog

How To Add Stylish Gadget Title Bar On Blogger Blog ?

Gadget Title is an essential part of any Blog or website.  Moreover, iis very useful thing and also most important for A Blogger. A beautiful Gadget or Gadget Title can easily makes a Blog page most attractive. You also can make a beautiful Gadget Title including any gadgets or widgets on your Blog like text, image, slide show, audio, video, game and many kinds of widgets. You don't have to know any programming knowledge to add these Gadgets. Really, it is a nice Technic. In fact, A Stylish Gadget Title can play important roll in a Blogger increase the toll of visitors.

Today I shall introduce you some important and awesome stylish as well as 3D format Gadget Title Bar for Blogger that you can easily add on Side Bar space both right or left on Blog.

Add A Cool Digital Clock On Your Blog Page

It is a very cool widget  and has been created as stylish format. When this stylish widget will be shown on your page then visitors will be easily attracted. At least, then the visitors will stop to leave from the pages also for a moment !! So, why late? Get-rich-quick!.

At first please press the DEMO button below to see it on live view.